Golden Gambler Foal GalleryWe know that only superior mares produce superior foals. That is why we have very carefully hand selected a few top quality mares. They were selected based on a combination of: conformation, disposition, gait, bloodlines, and then color. There mares represent some of the best bloodlines in the walking horse breed as well as true versatility. When we select a stallion to cross with our mares, we are careful to cross two horses that will improve upon each other to create a better foal. All of our foals are imprinted at birth and handled daily. We wean our foals between 4 - 6 months depending on the condition of the mare and foal. We typically wean stud colts a little earlier if they show signs of stallion-like behavior. When we register our foals, we stamp the names of the foals that are a result of our carefully managed breeding program with "WF" to show our pride in these exceptional youngsters (if it will fit with our chosen name length.) If you purchase a foal from us before we register them, you may choose whether or not to use "WF" in your foal's name. Be sure to check out our PRESCHOOL ADVENTURES page to see the training that our youngsters go through.

Be sure to check out the foals we've raised page to see examples of the foals we've bred and raised at Westwood!


We have not bred any of our mares back for 2025 foals. Instead, we will be refreshing them under saddle and offering them for on-farm ONLY riding leases. We will be offering additonal mares for sale as we continue our goal of reducing our numbers in order to spend more time with our children. We will reevaluate the market conditions next year to determine whether we will breed for the 2026 foaling season. If there is a specific cross of our horses that you would like to pre-order, you may do so with a $1000 deposit.

Foals Available | Foals Held on Deposit

See a complete list of the foals by:
Darrahs Handsome Traveler | Golden Gambler | The Tennessee Stud WF

Foals Available

Her Favorite Line x The Tennessee Stud WF
6/20/2024 - Chestnut
- Colt

This handsome colt can flat out MOVE. He would be an excellent flatshod show prospect, a tremendous trail horse or a flashy field trial mount! He's got a stellar disposition and a head full of sense. He is a full brother to Tennessee Georgia Line WF. The colt's dam, Her Favorite Line, is a 16h direct daughter of Lined with Cash, who was out of the great mare, Gen's Silver Lining (Pride's Generator x Sun's Eldorado daughter.) Her Favorite Line is a dead ringer for her talented grandmother in looks and movement! Gen's Silver Lining was a 10-time World Champion and World Grand Champion. In her prime she was considered one of the best mares to ever grace the show ring. She sat down on her back end, waved those front legs and shook that head every step of the way. Her Favorite Line moves the same way and has passed it to every one of her foals. Her sire, Lined with Cash was directly by Pride's Gold Coin who was out of the top producing mare Delight's Joanna (by Sun's Delight D.) Pride's Gold Coin was by Pride of Midnight H.F., a direct son of Midnight Sun out of the stylish and talented Pride of Stanley. Her Favorite Line's dam is a Pride's Favorite daughter. READ MORE

Sassenach WF
The Tennessee Stud WF x Pushover Some Cash
7/21/2021 - Chestnut - Filly

Claire was named for the main character of Diana Gabaldon's series, Outlander: the fiery herione,  affectionately called "Sassenach" (Gaelic for "Outlander.") Like her namesake, Claire is brilliant, opinionated, talented and a force of nature. This gorgeous red filly can flat out MOVE. She would be an excellent flatshod show prospect, a tremendous trail horse or a flashy field trial mount! Her dam, Pushover Some Cash, is a 15.2h direct daughter of Lined with Cash, who was out of the great mare, Gen's Silver Lining (Pride's Generator x Sun's Eldorado daughter.) Gen's Silver Lining was a 10-time World Champion and World Grand Champion. In her prime she was considered one of the best mares to ever grace the show ring. She sat down on her back end, waved those front legs and shook that head every step of the way. Lined with Cash was directly by Pride's Gold Coin who was out of the top producing mare Delight's Joanna (by Sun's Delight D.) Pride's Gold Coin was by Pride of Midnight H.F., a direct son of Midnight Sun out of the stylish and talented Pride of Stanley. Her dam is a daughter of 1990 WGC The Pushover, who was out of 1981 WGC The Pusher CG and a direct Pride of Midnight H.F. mare. Her dam's dam was a direct Mark of Carbon daughter out of a Sun's Delight D. daughter. READ MORE


Foals Held on Deposit
Snip's Pushy Lady WF x Darrah's Handsome Traveler
6/9/2024 -
Buckskin - Filly

This buckskin filly is out of Westwood Farms bred mare, Snip's Pushy Lady WF, aka "Naomi." Naomi is out of two great horses who are no longer with us: Snip (Remembrance's Merry Snip) and BJ (Fame’s Pushy Lady). Her sire, Remembrance's Merry Snip, is one of the last closest living links to both Midnight Sun and Merry Boy, with other great horses (Wilson's Allen, Roan Allen, the great mare Merry Legs, Go Boy's Nite Storm, Ebony Masterpiece, Society Man and an incridibly strong dam line through the Ray Corum breeding program, including Midnight Peggie P, Stormy's Ebony Doll and Ebony' Co-Ed.). Her dam, Fame’s Pushy Lady is affectionately known as “BJ” around the farm. We first met BJ in 1999 while visiting another horse in training at Joe London Training Stables. READ MORE

Her Majestys On Parole x Darrah's Handsome Traveler
6/10/2024 -
Buckskin - Filly

This sweet buckskin filly is out of Her Majestys On Parole. "Her Majesty" doesn't seem to fit this humble, sweet natured mare. Though she has all the attributes that a walking queen would: wonderful bone, a fantastic disposition and a naturally loose, walky way of going. She has a calm, intelligent mindset which makes her a joy to work with.This sweet, bright mare is directly by the late, great Out On Parole. Out On Parole, better known as “Oops,” was the 2002 TWH WGC, shown by Steve Dunn. By Pusher’s Doing Time and out of a Prides Gold Coin daughter, his breeding and show record are pure gold! 2002 World Grand Champion, 2002 Stallion Over 15.2 Five & Over (Canter) Div. A World Champion, 2002 Fun Show Champion (unanimously), Recipient of the 2001 Year In Walking Horses Performance Horse Dedication, 2001 Four-Year-Old Stallion World  Champion, 2001 Four-Year-Old WGC (unani-mously), 2000 Three-Year-Old Stallion World Champion, 1999 Two-Year-Old World Champion, 1999 Two-Year-Old World Grand Champion, Walking Horse Trainers' Association Two, Three & Four-Year-Old Horse of the Year, Reader’s Choice Two, Three, & Four-Year-Old Horse of the Year. He was gifted, well bred, beautiful, smart, friendly and easy to manage. Her Majesty's dam is directly by Pride's Dark Spirit and out of a Pride's Generator daughter. READ MORE

Tennessee's High Hope WF
Snip's High Hope WF x The Tennessee Stud WF
5/5/2024 -
Bay - Filly

This bright, friendly bay filly is the first foal out of "Joy" (Snip's High Hope), one of the farm favorites. She has a 50% chance of being homozygous for black and a 100% chance of being an absolutely phenominal riding horse with a stellar disposition. She is her dam's first foal and will likely be a smaller horse, around 14.3-15h. She will have a naturally smooth, square gait and an easy canter. She has a blend of western and foundation bloodlines that are hard to find in modern young horses. Snip's High Hope is the product of two outstanding horses. Her sire, Remembrance's Merry Snip, is one of the last closest living links to both Midnight Sun and Merry Boy, with other great horses (Wilson's Allen, Roan Allen, the great mare Merry Legs, Go Boy's Nite Storm, Ebony Masterpiece, Society Man and an incridibly strong dam line through the Ray Corum breeding program, including Midnight Peggie P, Stormy's Ebony Doll and Ebony' Co-Ed.) Her dam, Lined's High Hope, is a phenominal moving mare with a sweet disposition. "Hope" is a direct daughter of Lined with Cash, who was out of the great mare, Gen's Silver Lining (Pride's Generator x Sun's Eldorado daughter.) Lined with Cash was directly by Pride's Gold Coin and out of the top producing mare Delight's Joanna (by Sun's Delight D.) Pride's Gold Coin was by Pride of Midnight H.F., a direct son of Midnight Sun out of the stylish and talented Pride of Stanley. Hope's dam, Sweepstake's High Hopes was directly by Sweepstakes. READ MORE

Westwood Farms - Locust Dale, Virginia 22948 - - 540-825-1300